Saturday, March 1, 2014

Decay Could Be Lurking Under Your Old Fillings

Dental Bonding is a quick and inexpensive procedure that can give you the smile that you have always dreamed of having. Talk to your dentist about Dental Bonding to fill that gap in-between your teeth or to replace those unsightly silver amalgam fillings that you have had for years. Most people have no idea that those 10, 15 or 20 year old silver fillings could be covering up tooth decay.

Constant pressure on your teeth caused by chewing, clenching or grinding can crack, chip, or wear away at your dental fillings, and although you may not have any idea that your fillings are wearing down, but your dentist certainly can.

According to Dr. Rick Barkley, it is actually the seal that lies between the fillings and the enamel on your teeth that is to blame. If there is a leak or the filling was never put in properly in the first place, you could have additional decay under that filling. Unfortunately, like all tooth decay it will not just go away. If left untreated, those cavities underneath your filling could eventually infect the pulp in your tooth leading to a dangerous abscessed tooth.

Schedule an appointment with your dentist immediately if you suspect tooth decay under your fillings. You may not have pain, but any sensitivity in the area could indicate tooth decay.

Large fillings that have recurrent decay may not have enough support in the tooth for a replacement filling. If that is the case, you may need a dental crown.

If new fillings are not staying put it is time to find a dentist, as your old dentist may not have properly prepared the decay before filling the tooth. Other problems with new fillings could be contamination, chewing trauma, or restoration fractures.

When you schedule a check-up with your dentist, he will do a thorough examination taking x-rays of your teeth and gums. Dr. Barkley will be able to determine if you have tooth decay underneath your old fillings and discuss your options. If the decay is too close to the nerve, a root canal may be your only option.

Even if you brush twice and floss once a day you could still be dealing with tooth decay. Schedule an appointment today.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

If others are turning away It Could Be Your Breath

Most dentists have seen their fair share of patients with bad breath, and if you have been turning people away because of your chronic halitosis, it may be time to make an appointment with your dentist.

A number of things including poor oral hygiene can cause chronic bad breath. Brushing once and flossing twice a day can help your chronic bad breath, but if tooth decay and gum disease have set in, you may need a deep cleaning to get rid of the plaque and tartar.

When you schedule an appointment your dentist will be able to determine if your teeth and gums cause your bad breath. If it is something else entirely, Dr. Barkley may recommend that you see your doctor.

Bad breath can also be caused by certain physical conditions including diabetes, kidney, or liver disease. Other conditions that may be causing your bad breath include bronchitis, colds, and sinusitis, and of course, tooth and gum infections. Respiratory tract infections will eventually break down the tissue beginning a cell flow loaded with mucus that will feed the bacteria in your mouth causing halitosis.

It’s a fact that you cannot smell your own breath, which is a shame really, as that new colleague that you were out to impress just may be turned off by the foul smell coming from your mouth.

Your mouth houses billions of bacteria and literally grows faster than weeds. Bacteria will thrive on every surface in your mouth including your gums, cheeks, teeth, and tongue. Bacteria produces waste giving you the breath that sends others running for the hills. Just like all living creatures, bacteria has to get rid of the waste somewhere, and when it’s your mouth that is producing the bacteria, the waste ends up in between your teeth and below your gum line.

Talk to your dentist the next time you have a check up if you are constantly dealing with chronic bad breath. If your halitosis is a direct result of your oral hygiene, Dr. Barkley can help. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Start the New Year off Right With a Goodlettsville Dentist

Too much good food and drink can be just as dangerous to your waistline as your teeth, and if you are trying to stick to your New Year,’s resolution, why not add another must to your list and pay a visit to your dentist.   

Remember, regular check-ups are the best way to keep tooth decay from ruining your smile. If you are not true to your teeth today, they will be false to you tomorrow.

Seeing Dr. Rick Barkley is a pleasant experience and because he believes in preventive education and care, you can feel confident knowing that your mouth is safe.

During your appointment, the two of you will sit down and discuss your medical history in order to determine if anything could be affecting your overall oral health. After a thorough examination of your teeth and gums checking for early signs of gum disease and tooth decay, x-rays may be necessary.

Preventive dental care is more than just check-ups. Regular cleanings, flossing, sealants and fluoride treatments are all part of a regular routine and if adhered to will help keep you from having unnecessary fillings, root canals and more invasive dental procedures.

Of course, if you do need a thorough cleaning, your dentist will perform a scaling and planing treatment in order to prevent further gum disease. If gingivitis is not taken care of right away your gums will not heal on their own. Without scaling and planing gingivitis will quickly get worse. If allowed to progress gingivitis will become periodontal disease. If your dentist discovers that plaque and tartar have formed below the gum line he will begin the healing process with a deep cleaning. A follow up appointment will be made to check on the progress of your teeth and gums.  

Improve your smile, add another item to your New Years checklist, and schedule an appointment with your dental professional today.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Humble Toothbrush Has Come a Long Way

For most people, brushing your teeth means buying an electric or manual toothbrush from your local pharmacy or grocery store, but the modern toothbrush as it is known today wasn’t invented until the late 15th century. This crude, “Toothbrush,” was invented by the Chinese and was made from Siberian wild boar hairs that were attached to bamboo sticks. This toothbrush and variations were used up until the 20th century. It wasn’t until nylon was invented in 1938 that the modern toothbrush made its way into the medicine cabinets of people all over the world.

Oral hygiene has been important for centuries and thanks to archaeologists, it is now known that the toothbrush came in various forms including animal bones, bird feathers, and porcupine quills.

An English gentleman invented the most well known variation of the first Chinese toothbrush in 1780 while serving a prison sentence. Once released he began mass-producing his toothbrushes. After his death, he passed the business on to his son. This first toothbrush company, known as Wisdom Toothbrushes is still operating today and has come a long way since the original bone and horse hair toothbrush.

Archaeologists discovered the first chew sticks in Babylonia dating back to 3500 BC, an Egyptian tomb from 3000 BC, and a Chinese tomb in 1600 BC.

H.N. Wadsworth was granted the first toothbrush patent in 1857, but mass production of the bone handled bore bristle toothbrush did not begin until 1885. Unfortunately, animal bristles retained bacteria, did not dry well, and often fell out.  

Oddly enough daily tooth brushing did not take off in the United States until after the Second World War when the American soldiers were required to brush daily.

Today some people are still using chewing sticks, otherwise known as the Miswak. Made from the Salvadora, Peelu, Arak, or the Persica tree, the twigs are peeled back revealing some of the bark. In fact, the rural South in the United States still uses chew sticks referred to as, “Twig Brushes.” To, “Brush,” all you have to do is chew on the peeled part of the Salvadora twig. The tree, which as you can see is known by different names all over the world has natural antiseptic properties, and according to WHO, the World Health Organization is comparable to commercial anti-plaque and oral disinfectant products.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry with your Goodlettsville Dentist

When some people, a huge percentage actually, hear the word, “Dentist,” you can almost see the pain in their face. Millions of men, women, teenagers, and children have a genuine fear of the dentist, but according to your Goodlettsville Dentist, you can put your fears aside with sedation dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry from your Dentist in Goodlettsville is a procedure that is used by specially trained dentists in Goodlettsville, like Dr. Rick Barkley, to help patients who have neglected their teeth and gums because they are afraid of the dentist’s drill.

Your Goodlettsville Dentist practices Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry, which helps his patients get over their fear of the dentist. Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry is used to calm patients who require major dental treatment, a low tolerance for pain, and real dental phobia’s. People who have strong gag reflexes, or those who suffer from physical handicaps can also benefit from Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry provided by your Goodlettsville Dentist.

Some patients require Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry if they are having fillings, bridges, root canals and crowns. Other uses for Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry include periodontal treatments and cosmetic dental procedures.

The American Dental Association endorses Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry, as it is an effective way to get more people in the dentist chair and is a safe and comfortable way to take care of dental problems that have been avoided out of a fear of the dentist.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry is a conscious sedation technique that your Goodlettsville Dentist uses. The team from your Dentist in Goodlettsville will administer a mixture of gas making the patient feel more calm. Those who feel anxious and downright frightened when they sit in the dentist’s chair will relax during the dental procedure.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry, also known as laughing gas, is a mild sedative that leaves patients still conscious during the treatment allowing them to talk with their Dentist in Goodlettsville during the dental procedure. Once the treatment has been completed, Dr. Barkley will turn of the gas and administer oxygen for about 10 minutes to help the Nitrous Oxide flush out of your system. The effects of the Nitrous Oxide Sedation will wear off almost instantly.

If you have a fear of the dentist, suffer from a physical handicap or have any other issues that are preventing you from scheduling an appointment with your Dentist in Goodlettsville, talk to Dr. Barkley about Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry. Your teeth and gums really do depend on it.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Foods That Can Stain Your Teeth

What you eat and drink can stain your pearly whites. Dr. Rick Barkley will tell you that if it can stain the white T-shirt that you are wearing, it will most probably stain your teeth as well.

Visit your local cosmetic and family dentist who can brighten your teeth and whiten your smile, but if you want to keep your teeth white, it may be a good idea to avoid some of your favorite foods, or at least not indulge so often.

Black tea and coffee can really stain your teeth. The fact of the matter is, the darker the drink the darker the stain. You can minimize the effect by adding extra milk to your tea and coffee.

If you thought you were better off with white wine, you would be wrong. Red wine will stain your teeth, but the acidic composition in white wine can cause tiny groves making your teeth more porous and susceptible to staining.

Sports Drinks and soft drinks are acidic and will make your teeth extremely porous, so much so that sports drinks and soft drinks promote more staining that any other food or drink.

Raspberries, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, and strawberries are great for a well-balanced diet, but will stain your teeth. If you must indulge, rinse your mouth after enjoying these delicious fruits.

Tomato sauce, soy sauce and red pasta sauce are hard to resist, but have the potential to stain your teeth. Acids that cause the enamel on your teeth to become porous. Drink lots of water while digging into that plate of spaghetti or bowl of fried rice with soy sauce.

Fruit juices contain sugar, which is never good for your teeth, but darker juices like cranberry, pomegranate, and grape have lots of pigment, which will stain your teeth. If you must drink dark colored fruit juices, rinse your mouth with water or try drinking your dark colored juices with a straw, as it will bypass the front of your teeth.  

Pickles and ketchup go together like bacon and eggs, but unfortunately when consumed together or alone can open up the pores in your tooth enamel temporarily, which can stain your teeth. Drink lots of water after you tuck into that cheeseburger and fries.

If you have been avoiding blue cheese and ranch dressing by switching to balsamic and oil you may be doing your waistline a favor, but not your teeth. The acidic content in all vinegars can wreck havoc with your teeth. Try eating vinegar with lettuce as it has the natural ability to give you a protective layer over the top of your teeth.

Of course, stains can be lightened with a whitening technique.  Schedule an appointment today, especially if you have been indulging in all of the above and more.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Don’t Let Periodontal Disease Happen To You

Your dentist understands how important regular checkups are and if you have not seen your Dentist in Goodlettsville for some time, it is probably a good idea to schedule an appointment with Dr. Barkley. With over thirty years of experience Dr. Barkley will thoroughly examine your teeth and gums looking for tooth decay, gingivitis and other dental issues.

If periodontal disease has been detected, he will recommend that you schedule a deep cleaning, otherwise known as scaling and planing. Deep cleaning is the first step that needs to be taken in order to get rid of your periodontal disease.

According to Web MD, Scaling and planing is the most effective way to heal your teeth and gums. When your Dentist in Goodlettsville scales and plans your teeth, he may use a local anesthetic in order to make the procedure more comfortable.

Your dental hygenist will use a small dental instrument called a scaler or an ultrasonic cleaner that will remove the tarter and plaque between your teeth and gums. Depending on the extent of your periodontal disease, or the less severe gingivitis, your Dentist in Goodlettsville may schedule your cleanings in quadrants in order to make the treatment less invasive. Dr. Barkley will carefully remove the plaque and tartar by scaling down to the bottom of each pocket.

Once the scaling is completed, the surfaces of the roots of your teeth will be smoothed in order to heal the tissue and cause your periodontal pockets to shrink. Planing also makes it harder for the plaque and tartar to re-accumulate along the root surfaces.

If your periodontal disease is advanced, antibiotic fibers may be used that will be placed between your gums and teeth. The antibiotics will help speed up the healing process and prevent further infection. Your Dentist in Goodlettsville will remove the pockets at a second appointment when he checks on your healing.

Bleeding after brushing and flossing, persistent bad breath and gums that have pulled away from your teeth are warning signs and if you experience any of these symptoms, it is vital that you schedule an examination. Periodontal disease can happen to anyone and if left untreated can cause serious consequences.